Reactive Maintenance

Reactive Jobs

The Reactive Jobs list shows a grid containing information on all reactive jobs. You can view and edit details, complete, and cancel jobs by selecting the job number (#) from the list. You can select one of the column headings on the grid to sort the list by Job Number, Details, Job Type etc. Or you can […]

Job Types

In the Settings -> Job Types area, you can view, edit, delete, and create a new Job Type for reactive & planned jobs. This will allow you to categorise jobs when they are being created. Select Add Job Type at the top-left of the page to create a new job type.   The Job Types area also allows you to […]

Reactive Job Priorities

The Settings -> Reactive Job Priorities area allows you to view, edit, delete, and create new Job Priorities to help describe the urgency of a reactive job. Set the number of hours for when the contractor is expected to visit. By selecting the Add Job Priority button, a new row will appear in the Job Priorities list. You can populate the following information: Set […]

TrackplanFM, Computer-aided Facility Management software to help you manage, schedule and control your reactive and planned preventative maintenance and assets.
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