Trackplan has a Report Manager that allows you to view and manage reports. Each report can be extended with a variety of filters, and you can control which users have access to certain reports. You can also schedule reports to be sent out to users on a set frequency.
The Reports List area can be found here in the side-bar:
There are 20 base reports in the Reports area by default, which can be used or edited to create a new report. The Reports grid can be sorted by selecting any of the column headings:
Click Run next to any report you wish to view. This will run the report and bring you to the below view.
From here you can filter the report / change active filters such as:
- Open or closed jobs
- On time or over due
- Date created
- Instructed date
- Completed date
- Date last modified
- Reactive or planned jobs
- Sites
- Location
- Sub location
- Site types
- Resource
- Job Status
- Sub Status
- Revenue Jobs
- Job Type
- Job Sub Type
Under the filters area are a number of options that allow you to move to the next page, search for specific words / terms, refresh the page. Included in this bar are options to download the report as either an Excel sheet, a PDF, or a Word document:

Trackplan also provides the option to download a “printer friendly” PDF, simple click on the printer icon (beside the save icon) as shown below:
When you have selected your desired filters, two new buttons will appear at the top-right:
Run Report will run the report with your new filters.
Save as New Report will allow you to save these filters as a new report for easy access.
The Type drop-down menu will allow you to choose from these options:
The User Access drop-down will show these options:
- Users with full access will allow users of this type to access this report.
- All users will allow all users set up to access this report
- Specific users will allow you to select specific users from the users list and give them access to this report after you save the new report.
From the main Reports list you can also edit information on other reports by selecting the Edit button:
This will prompt the Edit Report pop-up window where you can edit the report name, description, type, and user access:
From the main Reports list you have the option to Schedule Reports:
This button will take you to the Report Schedules view which will show any report schedules that have already been created. You can create a new schedule by selecting the Create Schedule button to the top-right:
This will prompt the Create Schedule pop-up for you to populate with the new schedule information:
Once you click Save your new schedule will be created and added to the Reports Schedules List. Any schedules in this list can be edited or deleted be selecting either of these buttons:
Add Users who you want to get the Report by clicking the pencil icon in the Users column.