In Settings –> Quote Settings you can manage Contractor Quote confirmation bands.
Create as many Bands as you like and set the values. Using the pencil icon you then add Users to each band. The quote will automatically be sent through the confirmation process if these are set.
- Name – Name of the Confirmation Band
- From Value – Any quote greater than this amount and lower than To Value will need to be confirmed by users in this band.
- To Value – Any quote with a value less than this amount and greater than the From Value will need to be confirmed by the selected users. Please Note that to set an open ended To Value set this field to 0.
- Can Confirm Lower Bands – This allows users in the particular band to confirm quotes in a lower band.
- Lower Band Confirmation Required First – Lower band will need to be confirmed before the current confirmation band is confirmed.
- Confirmation Users – Select the users that will need to confirm quotes in this band.